Category: Blog

Electrology Q & A Session

How Many Treatments? Electrolysis involves a series of treatments. Many hairs will be eliminated with only one treatment, but some will need two or more treatments to achieve permanency. Electrolysis involves a series of treatments over a period of time. The length of time depends on the amount of hair, its coarseness, the cause of […]

Electrology Q & A Session

Is Electrolysis Safe? In the entire over 120 year history of the procedure, the safety and success has been well documented.  Today’s technicians utilize modern scientific methods of sterilization, disinfection and antisepsis for the equipment they use, and follow guidelines that are laid down by the Centers for Disease Control and professional electrology organizations and […]

Electrology Q & A Session

Is Electrolysis Permanent? Electrolysis has been shown to be permanent in over a century of use.  Its permanency has been well recognized by physicians and is testified to by hundreds of scientific articles in well respected medical journals and publications.  Of course, as with all procedures involving human beings, there will always be instances where […]

Who Launches the Profession of Electrology?

Author  John Fantz, CPE and former state examiner in the field of Electrology states several historical Electrology facts in his book The Fantz Guide to Electrology-“History of Methods and Technique.” For starters, did you know that the historical electrical current of the profession of Electrology is direct current (DC)? Fantz notes that in 1875, Charles […]

Why did I become an electrologist?

The yearly nation-wide Electrology Conventions offer on-going new and fresh information on hair removal practices. In addition to pertinent news, meeting professionals in the field enhances the conference experience. I am always curious as to why people become an Electrologist. You might enjoy some of the reasons too: ~ I KNOW permanent hair removal works […]

Welcome to my world of electrolysis and beyond!

Thank you for stopping by for a visit into my world of electrolysis and beyond.  Electrolysis is the process of removing unwanted hair permanently. The Electrologist is the operator – that’s me! The free dictionary explains Electrolysis this way: Destruction of living tissue, especially of hair roots, by means of an electric current applied with […]